Projects of Affiliated companies
National office of Environment - Madagascar
Social housing for low-income people - within the urgent phase 300 acres in the new city of Suez
Social housing in District 15 and District 16, El Obour New City
Construction supervision of residential buildings, and Infra structure networks and road the fifth phase- district of th....
Construction of a Tunnel and car crossing under the railway at kilo 41.2 in the sixth region - build your home
A school and a health unit in the new city of Al-Fashn
Tourist village on the north coast
Infrastructure networks (water - irrigation - sewage - roads) for an area of 1,600 acres in the industrial zone
Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan Hospital (Manshiet Nasser)
Mubarak Police Academy
Central Agency for Organization and Administration
Social housing in October -Gardens
Natural gas supply stations in different governorates
Riyadh Courts Complex
Kafr El-Dawwar Court Extension
Completion of raise efficiency of the family court building ( shebin el-koum)
(Quodrat Academy (Workers Training Center at Badr Center
Cattle quarry and slaughterhouse in Toshka
Raising the efficiency of Helwan Court
Development of Al-Marg hospital
Damhour Oncology Institute
Maadi View El Shorouk
Development of Shaq Al-Tuban area to become a global area for the marble and granite industry
Golden Park Compound
Maadi Valley - El Zahraa
The triple treatment plant - New Heliopolis
Nabarouh courts complex
Development and renewal of the Syndicate of Engineers in Suez
Dermwas court complex
New Heliopolis city Power Station
Three medical centers in Mansoura
The gym closed in Riyadh
Mashiakhet Al-Azhar
College of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University building
Nubia Museum building
Complex government interests in Minya
General Authority of Civil Aviation Complex
Tanta Courts Complex
Compound of the Ministry of Electricity - Abbasia
Aswan Security Directorate
Red Sea Security Directorate
University Children Hospital, the old (Abu Rish) - Medicine, Cairo
Gynecological Hospital and childbirth - Medicine Ain Shams
Dar el- Efta (Head quarter of Al-Mofti-the expounder)
Arts Academy Buildings
converting Hall 3 in Cairo-international-fair to the Museum of Modern Art
Basra University
Olympic swimming pool at the Police Academy - Abbasia
Mubarak Sports Stadium in October 6
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Riyadh