*Rehabilitation of old plant from 400000 to 600000 m3/day (200000 m3/day discharge).
*New Intake (660000 m3/day discharge) steel pipeline of 1600 mm dia. Supported on steel bridge 50m length.
*Double Pressurized P.S.R.C. pipelines of 1800 mm dia.& 1100m length.
*2 nos. crossings P.S.R.C. pipelines of 3200 mm dia. & 115m length to pass steel pipes of 1800mm dia.+pipe jacking crossing to cross steel pipelines of dia 2.4m length 150 from RC of dia 3.2m
*4 nos. clarifiers.
*14 nos. filters.
*Ground Tank (7000 m3 capacity).
*Chlorine building.
*Chemical building.